Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week in review!

This week was a first for us two newlyweds: it was our first night apart! Phew, we made it! I had a few days off so I figured I would make an adventure out of it! Michael worked through Friday so I ditched him and went to help my mom at Girl's Camp in the kitchen. Luckily he was able to make it up to Napa to golf and wakeboard with his friend, Ryan. Thank you Ryan for taking care of him:) Girls Camp was so much fun/tons of work! My mom was just a bit tired after getting 3 hours of sleep a night throughout the week...

This was right before the YCLS came to raid the kitchen!!

And right before I left, Michael's Kevin Durant jersey came. Made me feel a little better knowing Michael had it to cuddle with at night:)

Right when I got home Chubs was happy to go on a quick run with me. So excited to get another runner in the family!

And Fenton's on the way back--just can't say no. Oops.


  1. Such a fun time with you there! Glad you made the trip! And you got Fentons on the way home, that made it ALL worth it :)
